Who are we

Coming from a union between two continents and two cultures, the Marleau-Likavcanova family share a particular interest in nature and the great outdoors. All of its members are outdoor and water sports enthusiasts. They are all outdoor and water sport enthusiasts.

During a stay in 2021, we were overwhelmed by the beauty and natural riches of the place.
With the help of the family and several friends, we wanted to revitalize Domaine Kiamika and develop a new range of activities to share this exceptional site and give the chance to recharge your batteries in a natural and welcoming environment! Will you be among the privileged few who will be able to discover the natural charms of Kiamika?

Our History

Domaine Kiamika is directly associated with the history and development of the Hautes-Laurentides and, of Kiamika in particular. The Valiquette family established themselves here in the last century. They even named the road which leads to this place “le chemin Valiquette”. In addition to forestry and agriculture activities to support the family, it was Lorenzo Valiquette who seized the potential of the site with its lakes, river and abundant wildlife. It was in 1938 that he created the Domaine Kiamika outfitters. It became very popular in the following decades. In the 70’s, many families were spending their summers here including several Americans. In the 80’s and 90’s, some old and loyal customers still remember spending time with Herman Valiquette, Lorenzo’s son.

The 2000’s marked a turning point for the Domaine, Marcel Paris and Manon Demers took over the reins for more than fifteen years. Expansion of the main house, new cottages and construction of an enormous stable are some of the projects the couple took on. They were charmed from the start by the magic of the place.

2021 marked the arrival of new owners. Major investments are rejuvenating the domaine. The main changes will consist of expanding its client base and diversifying the activities to accommodate clients all year round.

From this point forward, Escapade Kiamika will be sharing its territory with Domaine Kiamika outfitters. In addition, Escapade Kiamika will take charge of the modernization and real estate development of the current facilities and all new buildings. The young and daring company will be active in creating new trails, offering entertainment services and offering a new range of activities for outdoor enthusiasts. So couples, families, artists and creators will in turn, be move by the beauty of the place and captivated by the ubiquitous wildlife that roams freely. They will join the great hunting and fishing enthusiasts who discreetly benefited from the jewel and natural heritage of the Hautes-Laurentides.

Our values


Welcoming, listening, sharing.


Of oneself, of others, of nature.

Joie de vivre

Marvel without reserve, take the time to appreciate and recognize these moments of grace.


Curious minds, it's time to think outside the box. Thirst for discovery or need to innovate? Unleash your momentum by simply expressing your creativity.

The Founders

The two initiators have been united since the year 2000 and parents of two teenagers. Their humanist values motivate them to get involved in the community and they derive their happiness from their personal and professional accomplishments. Elena Likavcanova, born in Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, is a true citizen of the world. She grew up in Europe and North Africa before immigrating to Canada at the age of 18. Brilliant scientist in microbiology, she will branch off her career in research to get closer and to help her community more. After completing her university studies at the University of Montreal and at McGill, she has worked in the health field for more than 20 years.

Marc-André Marleau, born on an island in the Suroît, pursued university studies in administration, group facilitation and communication. He also completed a graduate program in change management at the University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO). Marc-André is an entrepreneur at heart. Before embarking on the revival of the Domaine Kiamika outfitter and the creation of the Escapade Kiamika healing and resort center, he founded and managed Liaisons Internationales, a company specializing in event organization. Thus, it has organized hundreds of events (congresses, summits, conferences) which have united tens of thousands of participants across the country.